Arrangement of Leaves on a Stem

Arrangement of Leaves on a Stem

The arrangement of leaves on a stem is called phyllotaxy. Phyllotaxy differs from plant to plant. Alternate, opposite and whorled are types of arrangements in which leaves can be arranged on a stem.

Alternate arrangement 

The arrangement in which one leaf arises from one node and the leaves altogether form a spiral pattern is called the alternate arrangement. For example: sunflower, mango and China rose are having alternate type of arrangement.

Opposite arrangement

In this kind of arrangement, two leaves arise from one node but the leaves grow opposite to each other. For example: guava and jasmine. On the other hand, the pairs of two leaves are placed at right angles to each other.

Whorled arrangement

The arrangement in which many leaves (approximately 3 or more leaves) arise from one node forming a circle (whorl). For example-Nerium oleander (kaner) and Alstonia scholaris (devil tree).

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